Snow on Highway--IMPROVED!!! NOW WITH TURNS!!!

Trip date: Wednesday Apr 17, 2024

Submitted by aqua toque




Beyond the gate clearly most of the recent dump had melted on contact but there was still 4" or so on the pavement. Walkers footprints were right down to the now frozen slush but this was not an issue on skis. Might not be the case for long but the ditch has lots more.

Anywho, I only went as far as the Powderface Ck trailhead. Getting off the main road was like night and day. Even in the parking area at the trailhead it was 15-20cm+ and just got deeper on the trail itself.

The walkers, bless their misguided hearts, had plowed a track all the way to Prairie Link. It was a bit rough and wiggly but I was more than happy to use it because Dad always said (before the badgers got him) never look a gift horse in the mouth.

Beyond Prairie Link there were still day old partially filled in footprints that I thought were human but not far along they deaked off into thick bush so I guess it was a critter. Bear-sized badger perhaps.

Then I was breaking trail. I was about halfway between Prairie Link and Powderface Ridge trail when I said, yeah, that's good, that will do.

I had lunch and then a nice fluffy cruise out the way I came.