WBC - Snowy!!!!

Trip date: Friday Apr 05, 2024

Submitted by Ray Yong


Julie and I


We arrived at WBC shortly after 0900 with only three other cars in the parking lot. Overall, there's probably about 40 cm of good snow from the last couple of days, but very little traffic. Happily, someone had already skied West Crystal, so we went that way, broke the Moose Connector trail using tracks from before that last big snowfall, broke Mountain on the same tracks to the first Mountain View connector, and then continue on untracked snow to the next Mountain View connector, where, happily (jeez, this whole track breaking can be tiring!!!) we connected up with a twice-used track to the end of Mountain Rd. Mountain View West looks to be in great, unbroken, shape, but that was enough for us, so we turned around there, retracing our steps.

Overall, the snow is just gorgeous, with some of the best conditions of the year. As the temperature warmed at 1100 it started softening up quite a bit, and Julie (on waxless skis) started having catch and release issues.

Even when we got back to the parking lot at 1230 (that has to have been my slowest ski at WBC ever!) there were only about a dozen or so vehicles.