A Blueberry Afternoon.

Trip date: Wednesday Mar 13, 2024

Submitted by SteveR


Jo and I


We made a snap decision after breakfast to "follow the grooming", and hit the trail to Blueberry Hill at the crack of noon. Ski conditions and the weather were great throughout, with a cm or two of dry snow over the corduroy. My Rode Viola Multigrade wax worked great for grip, but with a few sporadic minor issues with sticking. On the other hand, Jo on her skins had none of those problems, but had to herringbone a bit more than I. Descending Blueberry was easy in the soft snow, but there was one icy scraped spot at the S-turns that got our attention. By the time we returned via Elk Pass and Fox Creek- the tracks were icing up a bit, and there were scattered small re-frozen tree bombs that were no real issue. South facing hills could be icy tomorrow, before the heat comes on. An awesome spring day with a touch of winter! Although conditions were transitioning to springlike this afternoon, it should still be decent tomorrow.