East elk to west elk pass traverse

Trip date: Wednesday Mar 13, 2024

Submitted by MaSid



-6 in the parking lot at 730 with a dusting of snow over the grooming. +2 on return at 2PM. About a cm of new snow on the blueberry junction picnic table. Toe to ankle trail breaking through meadows over a supportive crust (AT gear). East elk pass route is much more filled in now and conducive to travel using wax (looking like a January snowpack finally). Snow was getting a bit warm in the cut block descent at noon but travelled fine (thick dust on crust). The traverse can be done with LT gear now. West elk pass meadows were getting a bit sticky by 1PM. It’s all about timing now, until it gets cold again and more snow. I somehow managed to misplace half my sandwich en route so quite hungry and low blood sugar by the time I got to blueberry junction. Thankfully Steve and Jo Riggs were there and saved my bacon with their home made emergency energy bar rations. Thanks so much. Truly Delicious! Got a link to that recipe? +5 at Kananaskis village at 3PM. And yes, there is some burning going on, closer to nakiska.