Update - Wifi at Pocaterra Hut

Trip date: Wednesday Dec 08, 2021

Submitted by KenH




The wifi in Pocaterra Hut is now available for public use. New router installed today (Dec 8) with various management controls. There is an information sheet posted in the hut.

This WIFI service is provided by Nordiq Alberta, using excess funding from the 2020-21 parking program to support winter ski trail grooming in the Kananaskis.

This WIFI service is provided to:
1. Assist skiers to obtain the most recent trail conditions
2. Provide access to weather information
3. Assist skiers to communicate with companion skiers
4. Provide urgent communications capability.

A great deal of internet content is blocked - but if users find that their favorite website (relevant to xc skiing) has been blocked, please contact me for correction. Similarly, if you find some content that you feel should NOT be available there - let me know and we'll remove it.

There is a 30 minute time limit. Because this is satellite based internet, download speeds are likely slower than you experience in your home.

Ken Hewitt