West Bragg Creek-Telephone and Hostel

Trip date: Friday Mar 08, 2024

Submitted by Alf Skrastins



I was on my way out to ski an off-trail loop in the West Meadow area, when I saw a couple of ski groomers on their way back from roller packing Telephone Loop. That was obviously an opportunity not to be missed. So, I turned north and headed for West Telephone, to do the loop in the clockwise direction. It was first tracks and easy skiing all the way around to Disconnect junction. As expected, there was some hiking/biking traffic south from there, and more so south of the Snowshoe Hare junction... not bad, since they mostly stayed to one side. I finished with a lovely ski on east Hostel Loop on perfect new grooming. The sunny hills might be a bit icy tomorrow morning, but should soften up nicely with the forecast mild temperatures.