Sandy McNabb grooming and more snow

Trip date: Saturday Mar 02, 2024

Submitted by Alf Skrastins



The Sandy McNabb trails in the Sheep Valley were roller packed and partially groomed on Friday. But, there was another 12-15cm of new snow on all of the trails by mid-afternoon. It snowed all day. The temperature hovered around -15C, slowly falling later in the afternoon. Perfect green wax conditions. Occasional blasts of North-east wind would blow clouds of snow off of the trees to create a snow-globe effect.
The skiing was smooth and silky where other skiers had previously packed the snow in the track setting, but it was slower where you were making first tracks.
I was on skinny skis, but a bit of off-track wandering indicated a pretty solid melt-freeze base under the new snow. Looks like an opportunity to tour around and make some turns on the many open, grassy slopes in this area. These may be the best snow conditions that I have seen at Sandy McNabb for several years.