West Bragg Creek S & W Tour - Beware of potholes!

Trip date: Friday Feb 16, 2024

Submitted by Mike W




East Crystal - Iron Springs & Creek - Elbow S to Fullerton - Elbow - Loggers - Mountain View & MV West - Moose Loop N half - Moose Connector - Mountain Road

Had an awesome day yesterday afternoon on the south and west trackset trails. The tracks were pristine and the fastest I can remember at WBC. Kudos to the groomers! As SkierBob noted yesterday, I ran into him on my ski down Iron Creek as he was skiing up.

Skiers should beware of potholes at the start or end of tracksetting sections. I hit a particularly nasty one while screaming down Iron Creek (photo). It looks like it was caused by the tracksetter being dropped or rammed onto the snow with some force at the start of a tracksetting section. From my direction of travel, I hit it at the end; about 7cm deep. I saw several other such "potholes" during the day. Anyone know why this is happening? I've never seen this before.