WBC: The naughty moose!

Trip date: Thursday Feb 15, 2024

Submitted by MaSid



Found the culprit that’s been wrecking the trail, heading straight towards the fresh grooming as I went up old shell road. Gave him a good talking to and a vigorous finger wagging. That seemed to do the trick, as he about faced and headed back into the thicket. Average height, scruffy immature dewlap, scar on left shoulder, shifty looking. You know the type. I suspect he will be back.

Good temps (about -10) from about 1030 on, keeping the snow cool despite the intense sun after about noon. Perfect day for sampling the fresh snow off the grooming, starting first with portions of the moose single track, following graham and Alf’s track of yesterday. The fresh snow from last night was like poplar fluff so around moose loop to middle Tom snows. The track was solid, fast and smooth. Still a thin base with lots of pole bang but the track is excellent. Further wandering off trail exploring a combination of old tracks and fresh trail breaking in a 24” snow pack with 8” of soft snow on top. Boot top trail breaking. Also did lots of wandering around in south meadow given the excellent weather. Skied everything I broke twice, so should be nice travel for those so inclined. Tomorrow might be the last good window before things start getting sticky off trail in the sun.