Emerald Lake, Alluvial Loop, and Connector

Trip date: Wednesday Feb 14, 2024

Submitted by Deb & Rory


Rory & Deb


It was a nippy -25 when we started our ski at 10am on Emerald Lake. Trail hadn’t been groomed for a while, so was skier set for Emerald Lake and the Alluvial Loop. Shortly after we finished Parks arrived to groom the trials. Snow base was good, and despite the cold temp, in the sun it felt quite nice.

After a snack break at the vehicle, we skied the Connector Trail. On the way to the Natural Bridge trail entrance, the trail was groomed. We met the Parks groomers (who were track setting the trail) on the way back. The trail is in pretty good shape. Not icy and no exposed spots. Groomers are doing a good job building up/repairing the trail where needed. Finished with -7 as the temperature.

Great blue bird ski day to celebrate Valentines.