West Bragg - Domain of the Entitled Walkers

Trip date: Tuesday Dec 19, 2023

Submitted by gh


Just me


I gave West Bragg a try today. When I arrived around 1000, two groomers were just returning from grooming the various Crystal options. They went out for a second pass around noon. Conditions on the trails groomed today (various Crystal Line options) is okay except that walkers are destroying it almost as fast as it gets groomed. Trails further out are pretty beat up. I skied some west Crystal options, Sundog and Mountain Road to the end. I tried Moose Loop but gave up right away as it was really pockmarked.

Walker excuse of the day: "I paid for my Kananaskis Pass. I can do what I want."

Runner up: "Ski trails are not in effect yet. There is no set track."