In the meadow we can build a Pocaterra

Trip date: Saturday Mar 25, 2023

Submitted by Mary


Ray and me


New snow and fresh tracks – Woo hoo! We arrived at Pocaterra Hut at 10 am (-6C) and skied up Pocaterra all the way to Packers on last night’s grooming. Both of us used V40 wax and had a great time, especially coming back down those hills! After lunch at the picnic table near Lynx Jct. we waxed up with V45 and started up Lynx. After slipping a few times, I stopped to apply V50, and had better traction, but more clumping. The sun was doing its work on the snow, softening it, and making it sticky. We skied to the end of Lynx and turned around, so as to avoid the ungroomed (but skier-tracked) sections. On the return, we took upper Come-along (mistake – bad clumping) and then lower Pocaterra (better). It was +1C by the time we got back to the hut, and the snow was perfect for making a snowman, so….. Ah, spring skiing!