Go for a ski > make/ENJOY furniture > repeat

Trip date: Saturday Feb 04, 2023

Submitted by MaSid



-2 this morning at 8, +1 on return at 330. Quite a bit of needle and other debri on elk pass and fox at the beginning. Reasonable after fox (fishscales). Rebroke the trail through Patterson meadows. The trail to east elk pass now travels reasonably with LT gear, except a handful of awkward herringbone spots (prior track was a “skin” track and still some bottomless pole plants). Should be fine after a few more bodies, or bring your kicker skins. But at least Snowfa Headquarters 2.0 (H2.0) is open for business. No wind wall yet. Cloudy most of the day today with on and off light flurries, light winds and occasional bouts of sunlight. Snow should have stayed cool for tomorrow. But bring your fishscales and don’t step on those pine cones.