Skoki Lodge - Day Trip

Trip date: Friday Feb 03, 2023

Submitted by JackB




Skied into Skoki Lodge today. Quite a lovely day with a mix of sun and clouds and mostly light winds except at Boulder Pass, crossing Ptarmigan Lake, and at Deception Pass, where the wind blew very hard indeed. The temperature was about -6⁰C at Fish Creek parking lot in the morning, and there was a skiff of new snow, so blue wax (V30) worked well, except for where the strong winds had blasted the trail down to the snowmobile track, which was very hard packed. It was especially nice to be able to have lunch inside the Lodge today, since it was closed the last three times I skied in there, over the last two seasons. The ski out is suffering a bit from the lack of snow this season, but it helps that the downhill skiers are not using it at the moment; it is closed at the upper end but open at the Fish Creek parking lot end. A big plus is that there was no sign of any hikers having walked on the ski trail so far this season, which was a common occurrence in the previous two seasons.