Back Door to Winter and beyond

Trip date: Wednesday Nov 10, 2021

Submitted by Diana Piggott


Me, myself......


I was the first to arrive at the parking area at 11 am!! Only one other vehicle joined me, and I never met him on the trail. Apparently he skied partway up the lookout trail and had a good time.
I went a short distance up Tyrwhitt. Beyond Lookout junction, there was much less snow under the trees. I found snowmobile sign and a few large paw prints, but also lots of vegetation and rough bumpy patches. The snowmobile probably turned around at the first bridge, after which the trail gets very rough and bumpy. I turned around at the second bridge, approx. 4 km from the parking lot.
There was a skiff of fresh snow, and I really enjoyed the descent :-)
I stopped in at Pocaterra Hut to try out the wifi, but apparently I needed a password, so who is it for?