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Over-cooked Corn -- Glasgow Creek

Report Submitted by aqua toque
(trip) Date: Saturday Jun 01, 2024

Submitted: Monday Jun 03, 2024 at 17:03


aqua toque, José Jose (pronounced joe-zay hoe-zay -- "Jo" for short)


Here is one of my goto TC2T trips for this time of year. This is the 2nd occasion that my daughter José Jose and I have done it together.

I guess our timing was off because although the snowpack was nice and firm the surface corn was quite saturated. Consequently we experienced the corn version of "catch and release". Keeping the weight back on the skis helped but two days later my thighs are still burning from this. José Jose handled it with style.

After about 2hrs of hiking from Little Elbow campground with skis on our packs we found a continous ribbon of snow on the shady side of the creek and transitioned to skinning.

Soon later there was abundant snow. The most I recall seeing in here at his date in recent years.

This gully is always tempting. You can't tell from this photo but anytime I've seen it it's full of debris, as it was on this day.

We carried on to the bowl at the end of the valley.

Lower slopes of Mt Glasgow on the left.

In the firm conditions it became too steep for switchbacks on skins so José Jose switched to kicking steps. I stayed low for documentation purposes.

José Jose says the hands in my gopro footage look rediculous. Thoughts or opinions?

On a side note, José Jose had just returned a couple days previous from a month long rock climbing trip in Spain so she had lots of stories. Here's a couple of her climbing pics. These are from the island of Mallorca where they do a thing called "deep water free solo". Apparently if you come off you fall (harmlessly?) into the ocean.

José Jose deep water free soloing.

1 comment(s) posted


2024-06-07 at 18:05 - comment by Diana Piggott

Very impressive and inspiring! Congratulations :-)

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