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WBC Badgers--Update

Report Submitted by aqua toque
(trip) Date: Monday Jun 03, 2024

Submitted: Monday Jun 03, 2024 at 16:32


With the passage of time I'm sure many of you are wondering how this incident has played out. As regular users and contributors to this forum you will most likely be aware that it had a profound effect on my ski season and state of mind. This is an update on the condition of my vehicle.

When the badgers tried to chew a hole through the door of my truck the bare metal left around the edges began to rust. Luckily I found an innovative peel 'n stick product called BPF™ (Badger Protective Film) on the dark web ( to cover up the damage.

The original incident.

Rust forming around the badger-damaged area.

Every order of BPF™ (Badger Protective Film) comes with a handy "No Badgers" decal.

2 comment(s) posted


2024-06-09 at 08:17 - comment by aqua toque

Well, just when I thought my troubles were over I go out today only to find my truck has been pwned by photoshop badgers! 😠

I'm now the owner of an '07 Ford Badger.

2024-06-09 at 16:00 - comment by Mike W

Too bad POWBDGR was already taken!

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