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Oh Goodness!

Report Submitted by C&T
(trip) Date: Monday Nov 20, 2023

Submitted: Monday Nov 20, 2023 at 21:20




What a glorious sunny day to complete a delightful loop from the Backdoor (Up Fire Lookout, down to Hydroline, up to Elk Pass and back on Tyrwhitt). In one breath it was - oh goodness - because of the beautiful sunshine and views. Yet in another breath - it was oh goodness, we need more snow. A few early season cautions we wanted to share with skiers considering this loop - open creek, with a small ice crossing on Fire Lookout, the stampede tracks of snowshoers and hikers that have left Hydroline as a challenge to ski. Here are a few pictures of our adventure today.

Top of Fire Lookout

Oh goodness - such beauty!

Oh goodness-creek crossing!

State of Hydroline Trail

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